The Landis Valley Collection
Landis Valley Village & Farm Museum boasts the largest collection of 18th and 19th century Pennsylvania German artifacts in the United States. Housed within the village and in its state-of-the-art gallery, many of these items are showcased to the public on a rotating basis, giving an even deeper glimpse into life in south central Pennsylvania during its formative early years.
Landis Valley has award-winning special exhibits on a rotating basis which have won both state and national honors. The museum’s historic buildings and shops are furnished to the period, representing everyday life from the 18th to the 20th centuries. The Landis Collections Gallery (at right) exhibits and stores one of the largest collections of Pennsylvania German decorative arts in the nation. The building allows you a rare behind the scenes view of the museum’s open storage through a 110 foot viewing window.
The Farm Machinery and Tool exhibit showcases thousands of tools and agricultural machinery highlighting the Pennsylvania German contributions to agriculture.
Our curatorial staff welcomes scholarly inquiries into Pennsylvania German culture and the objects that went along with it. For more information, see the links at right or call 717-569-0401.