
aerial view of the Landis Valley Museum

Directions to Landis Valley Village & Farm Museum

For those with GPS, enter the following coordinates: 40.0931° N, 76.2827° W. Follow the directions until you reach Valley Road. If you are coming from points north, turn right at Valley Road. If you are coming from points south, turn left onto Valley Road. The museum parking lot is on the right.

For More Detailed Directions, See Below:

  1. From Harrisburg—Follow I-283 South to Route 30 East. Exit onto Route 272 North/Oregon Pike. Follow 272 North for 2 miles. Turn left onto Valley Road (at traffic light). Museum entrance will be on the right, shortly after the turn.
  2. From Philadelphia—From PA Turnpike heading West, take Exit 286 (Lancaster-Reading) onto Route 222 South. Exit onto Route 272 South/Oregon Pike. Turn left onto Route 272 (at end of ramp) and travel South to Valley Road (at traffic light) and turn right. Museum entrance will be on the right, shortly after the turn.
  3. From Reading—Follow Route 222 South toward Lancaster. Exit onto Route 272 South/Oregon Pike. Turn left onto Route 272 (at end of ramp) and travel South to Valley Road (at traffic light) and turn right. Museum entrance will be on the right, shortly after the turn.
  4. From York—Follow Route 30 East to Lancaster. Exit onto Route 272 North/Oregon Pike. Follow 272 North for 2 miles. Turn left onto Valley Road (at traffic light). Museum entrance will be on the right, shortly after the turn.
  5. From Pittsburgh—From PA Turnpike heading East, take Exit 247 (Harrisburg East/I-283 South) to Route 30 East. Exit onto Route 272 North/Oregon Pike. Follow 272 North for 2 miles. Turn left onto Valley Road (at traffic light). Museum entrance will be on the right, shortly after the turn.
  6. From Allentown—Follow I-78 West to Exit 13/Route 501. Turn left onto Route 501 South and follow Route 501 to the town of Neffsville, South of Lititz. Turn left at the traffic light in Neffsville onto Valley Road (at the Turkey Hill convenience store) and follow Valley Road. Museum entrance is in the left (approx. 1½ miles from 501).