Planned Giving

Planned Giving

Planned giving is a catch-all word for the ways by which a donor, or group of donors, can make a sustained impact for the Landis valley museum for future generations. Though a one-time bequest is one of the more popular planned giving vehicles, there are additional vehicles which may also be worthy of consideration. Our job is to assist you, and or your advisors, in crafting a program that meets both your needs as well as the museum’s looking forward.

Below you will find some language which you are welcome to utilize in your efforts to establish a BEQUEST for the benefit of Landis Valley Museum through Landis Valley Associates. We strongly encourage you or your representative to reach out to the LVA Development Office to provide us with the courtesy of a confidential notice as it relates to your intentions.

Landis Valley Associates, Inc.
Tax ID# 23-1573202

Planned Giving Offering

“I bequeath and devise to LANDIS VALLEY ASSOCIATES, INC., (Tax ID #23-1573202), located at 2451 Kissel Hill Road, Lancaster, Pennsylvania, the sum of $_________________ (or other asset with a fair-market-value of $Y) to be used for the Landis Valley Associates general support (or the support of a particular program, fund, or initiative for which the Associates have been provided advance notice).”

“I bequeath and devise to LANDIS VALLEY ASSOCIATES, INC., (Tax ID #23-1573202), located at 2451 Kissel Hill Road, Lancaster, Pennsylvania, the sum of Y percentage of my gross estate (or a particular asset) to be used for the Landis Valley Associates general support (or the support of a particular program, fund, or initiative for which the Associates have been provided advance notice).”

“If (insert name of prospective beneficiary) is not living at the time of my demise, I bequeath and devise to LANDIS VALLEY ASSOCIATES, INC., (Tax ID #23-1573202), located at 2451 Kissel Hill Road, Lancaster, Pennsylvania, the sum of $__________ or all or a percentage of my gross estate (or a particular asset) to be used for the Landis Valley Associates general support (or the support of a particular program, fund, or initiative for which the Associates have been provided advance notice).”

Download Planned Giving Offering