
Historical Museum Education

History is more relevant when it is experienced. Adults gain appreciation for the work of their ancestors and children are inspired to try chores, games, and crafts from the past.

Education and workshops abound at Landis Valley Village & Farm Museum! Children and adults learn new skills, trades, and crafts during multi-day summer camps and periodic classes, as well as one-day trips and lectures.  Hands-On-History Days are fun for the younger set as they discover what life was like for children a century ago.  Events like Civil War Days and Harvest Days bring history to life for visitors of all ages.

The museum is a great destination for public and homeschool field trips too. Optional programs are tailored to Pennsylvania state and homeschool educational standards.  Our education department also travels to schools. We give students a close-up view of Pennsylvania German history in the convenience of their own classrooms.

Landis Valley also caters to scout groups, with programs that fulfill requirements for loops, pins, and badges.

Engaging Museum Classes & Workshops

draft horses driving fieldwork

Classes & Workshops for Adults

Landis Valley offers year-round classes designed to bring you closer to history. While historic crafts and trades are the main focus, we periodically conduct trips to other sites and hold lectures giving you a deeper understanding of the impact the Pennsylvania Germans had on America.

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girls with large scherenschnitte

Learning for Children

From field trips to homeschool classes to scouting programs, there are many opportunities for children to learn history in a fun and hands-on way.

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George with Billy the horse and dogs

Learning Our History

Almost a century ago, Henry K. and George D. Landis sought to collect and preserve the art, history, and material culture of their people, the Pennsylvania Germans. The result is their legacy, Landis Valley Village & Farm Museum.

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