Have you ever wanted to cook over an open fire? Landis Valley Village & Farm Museum is offering two beginning level work shops of open hearth cooking. Join our basic hearth cooking class to learn about the equipment used and historic ingredients. We will be cooking period recipes to make a full meal from soup to dessert.
Students should wear natural fiber clothing, no hairspray [flammable] and no dangling jewelry. You may want to bring an apron.
Dates Offered: Saturday, March 12, 2022 [our first offering, Saturday, February 26, is fully subscribed]
Time: 9:00 AM to 4:30 PM
Maximum number of students: 10
Cost: $150.00
Instructor: Nancy Schmeichel
Registration and Questions, contact: Timothy Essig, Museum Educator; Phone: 717-569-5783; Email: tessig@pa.gov